1. Hoverbox Image Gallery
A pure css-based gallery; hovering over an image enlarges it
2. Advanced CSS Menu
A creative and complex navigation scheme.
3. Sliding PhotographGalleries
效果源码:演示页最下方 已提供css xhtml代码
An accordion effect; hovering over an image expands it.
4. Lightbox Slides
Part of an article entitled “Supercharge your image borders” showcasing how you can use CSS styles to make images look more interesting.
5. Drop shadow on an image
Aan image effect demo and discussion based on a A List Apart article entitled, CSS Drop shadows.
6. Cross Browser Multi-Page Photograph Gallery
css tab标签切换相册分类
Hovering over the tabs changes the category, while hovering over an image enlarges it.
7. CSS PhotoZoom
Uses a single image and adjustment of the background-position attribute.
8. CSSgallery layout—smells like a table
9. Sticky Footer
A static footer with very little XHTML required.
10. whatever: hover
windows 开始菜单效果
A navigation menu that mimics Window’s Start menu.
11. CSS-Only AccordionEffect
鼠标滑过 段落展开,其它文字收缩效果
n accordion effect using div’s and :hover; the accordion effect can be vertical or horizontal.
12. Scalable CSS Buttons Using PNG and Background Colors
13. Pushbutton Links
14. Scrollable Table with Fixed Header
数据表格 table 上下拉动表格,但是 头部标题栏跟底部保持不动,适合内容多而长的表格。
The table’s captions stay put which is excellent for long tables.
15. Content Overlaywith CSS
css 浮动层效果
When you hover over the image, the container div is shown with more text.
16. A CSS styled tableversion 2
A beautifully styled, table with semantic mark-up – uses a background image.
17. PNG Overlay
Another way to add flare to images (rounds the corners and adds a border and drop shadow).
18. Showing Hyperlink Cues with CSS
Simple tutorial on adding icons to different types of links.
19. Simple Rounded Corner CSS Boxes
Uses only one image and very few lines of code and mark-up.
20. SitemapCelebration
Tree-like navigation using nested lists, great for sitemap pages.
21. Easy cross-browser transparency
Opacity technique without the use of JavaScript (but at the cost of using non-valid XHTML code).
22. Curved corners 2
Fluid width and height divs with rounded corners.
23. Creating agraph using percentage background images
List items <li> styled into bar graphs.
24. CSS Bar Graphs:Examples
3 bar graph examples – “Basic CSS Bar Graph”, “Complex CSS Bar Graph”, and “Vertical CSS Bar Graph” using div’s and definition list tags.
25. Animated Rollover Arrow
The arrow follows along the entire width of the navigation bar smoothly, without the use of JavaScript or animated gif’s.
26. A CSS-based Form Template
Showcases an accessible web form.
27. CSS Image Text Wrap
Using empty spacer div’s, the page’s text mimics a wrapping effect around the background image.
28. Before your very eyes – afade-in image
文字与背景图片混合渐隐渐显效果A demo using opacity and a single image that gradually fades in to cover the text.
29.Pure CSS Pop-ups
兼容苹果系统的弹出窗口效果A pop-up technique that works even in IE 5 Mac.
30. CSS Gradient TextEffect
Uses background image overlays, and empty span tag, and position: absolute to create a gradient effect on text.